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Dr. Mathieu Benoit
Introduction to Cosmo Chemistry and nucleo-synthesis Lecture 1
Introduction to radioactivity,decay mechanisms of radioactive atoms,radiogenic isotopes
Concept of Isochron, errorchron and Geochron, Age of the Earth - Lecture 3 Part 1
Concept of Isochron, errorchron and Geochron, Age of the Earth - Lecture 3 Part 2
Concept of Isochron, errorchron and Geochron, Age of the Earth - Lecture 3 Part 3
Error estimation, significant digits, some example of modelization of the isotopic signal
The Mantle Zoo -HIMU,FOZO,EMI,EMII,PREMA..etc.. - Lecture 5
Clean Lab Processing - Lecture 6
Introduction to Mass Spectrometry applied to radiogenic isotope geology - Lecture 7
SCLM,Continental Crust and the Subduction Factory,an overview - Lecture 8
Continental Rifting and Plume-Lithosphere interaction:the North Tanzania case - Lecture 9
The Subduction factory and continental growth problem- Lecture 10
An example of ridge-plume interaction and the use of isotopes:The GIMNAUT sea cruise- Lecture 11