Dr. AnnickGiroud


7786 Views French as a Foreign Language : New Perspectives and Avenues Lecture 7

In a country like India where French is not spoken outside the classroom, taking the students to higher levels ensuring their adequate competency in the language is a challenge in itself. The dynamics of classroom teaching therefore become primordial. This course takes into account certain aspects of teaching French as a foreign language at higher levels. It is divided into 2 modules: argumentation and evaluation. Higher level language skills include argumentation. No sentence in isolation can convey a specific message. For that, it is necessary to know the context and also the co-text, i.e. other sentences that can be linked to form an argument. How to put forward one’s point of view, how to justify a perspective are some of the aspects of argumentation

Dr. AnnickGiroud

Senior faculty member at the EFLE (Ecole de Français Langue Etrangère), University of Lausanne (Switzerland). She has a Masters in Modern Literature and M. Phil in French Literature and Civilization, both from theUniversity of Aix-en-Provence (France). Later she branched out in Applied Linguistics and her PhD is in the Faculty of Education at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.



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