Dr. Deborah Power


7943 Views Neuro-endocrine integration leading to behavioural consequences Lecture 5

Various Neuroscientific mechanisms controlling diverse aspects of biological processes have been of great interest to the scientistis all over the globe. Neurosciences is not only a branch of biology but an interdisciplinary science integrating chemical,biological,philosophical and psychological fields to impose a better understanding of nervous control in life activities. As such Neurobiology,a branch of neuroscienes,studies cells of the nervous system and the organization of these cells into functional circuits that process information and mediate behavior. This is achieved by studying the interplay of various chemical messengers secreted by the neurons like Neurotransmitters,neurohormones, neuropeptides,catecholamines and other non-protienacious entities. Neurobiology also studies how the neurons mediate the communication between the external and the internal environment of the individual and The knowledge of neurobiology has enabled scientists to uderstand the primary causes of physiology and behaviourof animals. This course is organized in two modules that should be taken together. The topics include understanding the role of CNS in perceiving the environmental stimuli and translating this information to the peripheral endocrine system,an introduction to the nervous system,emphasizing the structural and functional organization of brain,to understand the interaction between the nervous system and the endocrine system,and their communication including the biological features of the cells involved to gain an insight about the neuroendocrine disorders,To understand the neuro-endocrine control of animal behavior and and techniques employed to study neurobiology such as Visualizing mRNA in brain sections:an introduction to in situ hybridization methodology,Neurohistochemistry:to visualise proteins in the brain, In vivo hormone analysis will be provided to the participants to gain a better understanding of the field.

Dr. Deborah Power

Editor in chief for the Journal General and Comparative Endocrinology

Deborah Power is currently the director of the CCMAR-CIMAR Associate Laboratory, Centre of Marine Sciences,University of Algarve,Gambelas,Faro,Portugal. Presently she is the editor in chief for the Journal General and Comparative Endocrinology.


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