Prof.Venkatesh Raghavan


10090 Views Open Software,Data and Standards in Geoinformatics - Three Pillar for Building Innovative ICT Solutions - Lecture 4

Geoinformatics have come to be a mainstay of Internet and Communication Technology (ICT)and is the backbone of several national initiatives such as Digital India,Smart Cities Mission and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Prudent and effective use of Geoinformatics requires skills in developing,maintaining customizing,localizing indigenous ICT solutions suited for diverse Indian conditions. Over the last decade,Open Source Software,Open Data and Open Standards have evolved as the three vital pillars for deployment of interoperable and scalable solutions related to management of natural resources,disaster mitigation,public health,asset/facility management and environmental monitoring. Over the last fifteen years,Free and Open Source Software Solutions for Geoinformatics (FOSS4G) has gained wide spread acceptance the world over. Further,a wealth of geospatial Open Data have recently become available not only as a part of international and national initiatives but also through participatory data production initiatives such as the Open Street Map. Due to the explosive proliferation of GPS-enabled devices,Crowd Sourcing and Volunteered Geographic Information has also facilitated value addition and updating of geospatial data. The past decade has also seen the maturing of international standards for geospatial data and services though the initiatives of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and ISO.As a part of the educational outreach and skill development,the OSGeo Foundation along with partner organizations such as the International Cartographic Association and the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing has also established the Geo4All international network of universities and research institutions offering high-level training and sharing of knowledge and experiences to build a strong and vibrant geospatial workforce. In light of the above,this course aims at presenting recent trends based onFOSS4G. The course is unique in that it would not only provide an overview of technology but also make available the entire suite of geospatial software and also equip participants with skills to leverage Open Data and Open Standards in providing ICT solutions for a variety of societal needs. The course will also provide an overview of software development framework to enhance, customize and improve on existing technologies through participation in national and international initiatives for collaborative technology development and knowledge sharing. The course aims to provide (a) Introduction to Open Source Software,Open Data and Open Standards for Geoinformatics,(b) Exposure to available software to collect and share geospatial data,(c) Explore the potential of FOSS4G for spatial data analysis and (d) Enhance skills in deploying innovative geospatial solutions in his/her domain expertise.

Prof.Venkatesh Raghavan

Prof. of Geoinformatics

Venkatesh Raghavan is an alumnus of Pune University and obtained his Doctor of Science in Geological Remote Sensing from Osaka City University (OCU), Japan in 1994. He is presently based in Japan as Professor of Geoinformatics at the Graduate School for Creative Cities, OCU. His research interest includes geospatial Web Services, sensor networkand remote sensing for change detection. He is one of the founders and currently serves as the President of the OSGeo Foundation.


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