Soft Skills

12424 Views Writing Research Thesis Effectively

Thesis writing guidelines:This session is mainly useful for Masters by research and higher research students (PhD)who are submitting their research projects in the form of thesis. This topic highlights various aspects of writing thesis effectively. Tips and tactics for writing abstract,introduction,methodology,results,discussion,conclusion, references sections are discussed in this module.


Dr Sayali Pati-Kayath received her Masters and PhD degree in Environmental Biotechnology from Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide. Dr Sayali has produced several international scientific publications in the field of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology and given proffered presentations at many international conferences. Currently, Dr Sayali is working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences, SPPU. Her main work lies in the arena of Bioremediation of contaminated environmental resources like river water and soil along with application of advanced molecular fingerprinting tools.



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