Dr. Vinod Vidwans

Modelling and Simulation

5664 Views Rule Based Artificial Intelligence:A Creative Intelligent Expert System for Indian Music

Artificial Intelligence is studied broadly from two perspectives:Rule Based Expert System perspective and Neural Network perspective. The presentation aims to share author’s experience of explorations into design and development of a Creative Intelligent Expert System for Indian Music. Expert system is supposed to possess the knowledge of an expert in the domain. Therefore,the principles,concepts and conventional knowledge base of Indian music have been encoded in this system in the form of generic rules to generate music. It’s a rule based system. It does not have any database. In fact,on the other hand it generates the required musical data following the rules. This is the strength of rule based Artificial Intelligence. The System generates a Bandish (a musical composition) in a given Raga and renders it in traditional classical style.

Dr. Vinod Vidwans

Professor,School of Fine and Performing Arts,FLAME University,Pune

Dr. Vinod Vidwans is currently a Professor and Chair of the School of Fine and Performing Arts at the FLAME University,Pune. He was a Senior Designer and an Ex-Vice Chairman (Research) at National Institute of Design (NID),Ahmedabad. He also headed the Departments of New Media and Software User Interface Design at NID. He has been a visiting faculty & resource person at many prestigious institutes including IIM Ahmedabad,IIT Kanpur,Indian Institute of Science Bangalore and Central University of Hyderabad. He inherits Vedic and Indic knowledge tradition and currently engaged in research on various Indic themes. He has designed and developed a creative intelligent expert system for Indian classical music taking inspiration from Bharata’s Natyashastra and Sangeet Ratnakara of Sharangadeva. The software generates a Bandish (a musical composition) on its own without any human assistance in a given Raga and renders it in traditional classical Indian style. The creative software system uses principles of artificial intelligence (AI).


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