Professor Finn Kydland


7949 Views Economic Policy and the Growth of Nations

In the long run nations become more prosperous in the sense of higher per-capita incomes lower unemployment lower poverty levels and so on the fewer road blocks lie in the way of steadily higher productivity along with growing productive capacity to take advantage of these increases.In large parts of the world today howeverthe business environment is characterized by an extent of uncertainty that is unprecedented over the past several decades.The main reason is lack of clarity in economic policy making. In order to be properly informed and well founded important growth promoting decisions which require an assessment of the policy environment years in the future. The talk will expound on the fundamental reasons and on the prospects for more clarity for the future. Contexts from various parts of the world will be used as illustrations.

Professor Finn Kydland


Professor Finn Kydland - PhD in Economics from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) - is the Jeffrey Henley Professor of Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).Professor Kydland and Professor Edward Prescott jointly received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for their research on business cycles and macroeconomic policy in the year 2004' He joined the UCSB in 2004, where he is also the director of the Laboratory for Aggregate Economics and Finance. More recently, Professor Kydland has conducted research on the role of monetary policy in the aggregate economy, domestically as well as internationally.



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